Typical Portuguese Tomato Rice Side Dish67 views1 minute read Indulge in this typically Portuguese dish, the “malandrinho” tomato rice. This dish perfectly complements fried fish dishes and… 2 Shares 2 0 0
Grilled Portuguese Sardines Main Dish25 views1 minute read It’s midsummer and that means we’ve got to have a day for grilled sardines! Sure, you can pop… 1 Shares 1 0 0
Portuguese Corn Bread • Broa de Milho Appetizers255 views1 minute read Hey it’s almost Saint Martin’s Day here in Portugal (it’s tomorrow on the 11th), this is a wonderful… 3 Shares 3 0 0
Focaccia Bread from Italy Appetizers106 views1 minute read If you are unaware, Focaccia is a traditional Italian flatbread, the base is very similar to a thick… 1 Shares 1 0 0