Halloween Mummy Rolled Sausages Snacks52 views1 minute read More scary foods for Halloween hehehe, nothing like a cute scary mummy, I know this is a classic… 1 Shares 1 0 0
Japanese Homemade Okonomiyaki Main Dish63 views2 minute read Japanese Okonomiyaki is a savory pancake-like dish that’s a popular comfort food in Japan. The word “okonomiyaki” literally… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Garlic Mayonnaise Side Dish46 views1 minute read I always wonder why people buy those already made sauces, when 90% of them you can make them… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Japanese Egg Sandwich • Tamago Sando Snacks173 views2 minute read If you ever visit japan, one of the things that you will notice is that there are tons… 1 Shares 1 0 0