Fresh Carrot Cupcakes


I love cakes and well cupcakes baked with fruits or vegetables, it just makes a better cake, it has a better overall taste, unlike a lot of cakes that have artificial flavorings and are basically oil and sugar over more oil and sugar, they are so devoid of any umami!

So for today we have some very cute and yummy carrot cupcakes made with some fresh carrots, carrots are a great ingredient to use in baking because they add natural sweetness, moisture, and nutrition to baked goods. When using fresh carrots in a recipe, you can expect a moist and tender creamy crumb, a subtle sweetness, and a hint of earthiness that complements the other flavors in the cupcake.

It’s also a bit more healthy than a lot of other cakes, removing some of the fat and sugar and adding some more fibers, vitamins and antioxidants, its a win win! Lets check the recipe!

Fresh Carrot Cupcakes

  • Servings: 4-8
  • Difficulty: Normal
  • Rating: ★★★★★
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A carrot cupcake baked with some fresh carrots can be a delicious and satisfying dessert that's not only tasty but also provides some nutritional benefits.


  • Carrots – 400gr
  • Sugar – 180gr
  • Brown Sugar – 100gr
  • Butter – 160gr
  • Eggs – 4
  • Flour – 250g
  • Yeast – 1 teaspoon
  • Sugar – To sprinkle
  • Salt – A pinch


  1. Start by peeling the carrots, cut them into small slices and put them in a pan with hot water and a pinch of salt. Cook until the carrots are tender, remove and drain them.
  2. Prepare and pre-heat the oven at 180ºC and line two muffin pans with non-stick paper, for a total of 12 muffins.
  3. Combine the white sugar, brown sugar, soft butter and egg yolks in a bowl, whisk well, then add the carrot purée to the batter, mix well.
  4. Add the flour and the yeast, mix well.
  5. Finally, whisk the egg whites until stiff, fold them into the mixture without whisking more, then pour a few spoonfuls into each muffin tin.
  6. Take them to the oven for about 16 minutes until they are well baked, prick them with a toothpick, if the toothpick comes out dry then they are ready, serve plain or sprinkled with confectioners sugar, bon appétit.
Notes: I sprinkled with powdered sugar for the looks/photos, it’s not necessary, and it doesn’t add much besides looks ;D

This recipe for Fresh Carrot Cupcakes was originally created on Esta receita de Queques de Cenoura Fofinhos foi publicada em português no


Per Serving: 388 calories; 12 g fat; 41 g carbohydrates; 1 g protein.

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