Danish Seed and Rye Bread • Rugbrød


Rugbrød is a type of rye bread from Denmark, its also very popular in Germany. It is usually a long brown extruded rectangle and is made from flour milled from the endosperm of the rye berry, which contains the most pigments, so you get a very dark bread with a very almost bittersweet taste with a hint of fermentation.

Rugbrød bread is also a very common bread on a Smorgasbord, this is a very common plate or serving dish with different breads and different bread toppings, sweet and or savory.

Also this is a well fermented bread, so although the recipe is simple its a 1 or 2 day process to make this bread, because you want the dough to get a bit of fermentation besides natural leavening, lets check the recipe.

Danish Seed and Rye Bread • Rugbrød

  • Servings: 12
  • Difficulty: Normal
  • Rating: ★★★★★
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Fantastic creamy and dense traditional bread, with a bittersweet delicious taste.


  • Water – 500ml (Warm)
  • Baker’s Yeast – 15gr
  • Sugar – 2 teaspoons
  • Rye flour – 230gr (preferably dark rye or coarse rye)
  • Flour – 80gr
  • Rye Grain – 415gr (Without the husk half crushed)
  • Rye Grain – 120gr
  • Linseed Seeds – 200gr
  • Sunflower Seeds – 160g
  • Sesame Seed – 10g
  • Salt – 3 teaspoons
  • Black Beer – 235ml (I used Super Bock Stout, medium)
  • Kefir Yogurt – 240ml
  • Oat Flakes – 20gr (To sprinkle)


  1. Start by adding the sugar to the warm water followed by the yeast, leave for about 10 minutes to activate the yeast.
  2. Grind 415gr of rye grain until it is something between grain and flour (you can also buy this already made, but at least here in Portugal these kind of rustic flour is not available).
  3. Pour the rustic grain into the bowl of the mixer with the dough hook, then add the rye flour, flour, half and whole crushed rye grain, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and salt (do not add the oat flakes), mix a little.
  4. Then add the liquids starting with the yeast water, beer and kefir yogurt, mix everything for about 10 minutes, you will create an almost liquid mass.
  5. Pour this into a large non-metallic bowl and cover with cling film, let it rise for 1 to 2 days, the longer you leave it the more tender and creamy it will be (because you’re giving it time to rise and then break down the proteins in the dough, as you’re also giving it time to hydrate the rye grains and the remaining seeds well), but it will also have more fermented taste (yes just like a beer).
  6. When you are ready to bake, preheat the oven to 175ºC and line a rectangular baking pan with non-stick paper (otherwise this bread will stick to the pan).
  7. Remove the dough from the bowl, press the dough down well so that it covers the entire pan, and sprinkle the top with the oat flakes.
  8. Bring it to the oven to bake for about 1 hour and 40 minutes to 2 hours, to see if it’s ready, if you have a temperature probe it will be something around 86ºC inside the bread, or a deep toothpick in the center, if it comes out dry then it’s baked.
  9. Remove from the oven and let it cool a little before removing from the pan, however let it cool completely before cutting, this bread easily lasts 1 week stored properly and about 6 months frozen (cut into slices before freezing), god appetit!
Notes: In Denmark they have like already made mixtures for this kind of bread where you only need to add water, mix and cook. I also added some extra black sesame seeds to the top, but yeah that’s not part of the original recipe, so I’m just adding the note here hehehe ;D

This recipe for Danish Seed and Rye Bread • Rugbrød was originally created on BakeAfter.com. Esta receita de Rugbrød Pão de Centeio da Dinamarca foi publicada em português no Iguaria.com.


Per Serving: 390 calories; 11.3 g fat; 44 g carbohydrates; 10.8 g protein.

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